Providing financial peace of mind
Providing financial peace of mind
Personal Financial Care LLC is a professional fiduciary service in Billings, MT. I provide financial expertise and support to clients who have difficulty managing their personal monetary affairs. I focus on providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction.
Personal Financial Care LLC is a professional fiduciary service in Billings, MT. I provide financial expertise and support to clients who have difficulty managing their personal monetary affairs. I focus on providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction.
Here are some examples of clients I have helped:
Here are some examples of clients I have helped:
George is 82 years old and lives in an assisted living facility. He has one child who lives in another state. George has some dementia and is unable to manage his financial affairs. Several years ago, George named a friend as his Power of Attorney. The POA lived 250 miles away from George. Unfortunately, the POA used George's funds to pay her personal bills. Adult Protective Services was brought in and they asked me to take over as Power of Attorney. Since being named POA, I have been able to save over $100,000 for George.
Shirley is 65 years old and has suffered several strokes and is unable to take care of herself or her financial affairs. Shirley owned a home and several vehicles. Shirley was moved to a long-term care facility; however she does not have long-term care insurance and had also incurred significant medical bills prior to entering the facility. I was named Conservator. Over a period of time, I sold all of Shirley's vehicles and personal and real property so funds were available to pay all past medical bills as well as some of the long-term care facility expenses. I also helped complete a Medicaid application for Shirley.
Upon Matt's fathers passing, he was named Successor Trustee of his father's trust. Matt had no idea how to manage a trust or even how to finalize his father's estate. Almost a year had passed since the father's passing and nothing had been done on the estate. I was asked by Matt's investment advisor to help Matt get his father's affairs in order as well as help him to understand his duties as Trustee. Personal Financial Care, Matt's investment advisor and Matt worked with the various asset companies which held trust assets to complete the necessary paperwork and transfer all of the assets into one trust account with Matt as Successor Trustee. In addition, I have prepared accountings for the period of time since the father's passing to present from various account statements, making sure income and principal were reported separately and appropriately.
Pat is a very wealthy woman living in an assisted living facility. She pays all of her own monthly living expenses. Pat is showing signs of dementia. She has left account statements as well as her checkbook out where they can be seen and has periodically forgotten to pay bills. I was asked to sort her mail, organize her account statements and files and help her pay her bills and manage her checkbook.